Saying hello from the Sunshine State, Queensland- Australia

Live katanye from 17 King Charles Drive, Sovereign Island, QLND- AUS!!!

Another short entry to say hello, but this time around, Akak in Gold Coast, in the Sunshine State of Queensland, Australia!!! 'Howdy mate!?' Hiks!

It's 1915hrs here in Gold Coast, 02 hours ahead from KUL/ Malaysia - and its 16'c! Ok lah, tak der la sejuk sangat tapi sejuk la juger sebab windy lite2... Akak now berbloggin' lite2 manje dari the outdoor area/ the garden deck from our holiday home in Sovereign Island katanye... drang... eh, grand...! Hiks! The view is perfect (well, an hour ago it was perfect now dosi kemalaman dan hanyo nampak malam bertemankan bintang2 sajork!!!) LOL!

Ha... this is where Akak now, berblogging lite2 manja for all to know my whereabouts katanye... hiks!

The view from where Akak is sittiungst roite now mate! Hiks!

Sambil sipping my cup of hot milk (Akak panaskan sendiri ok susu sejuk beku nih!), Akak berblogging kat deck nih while Akak nye family ado kat the family living area playing the Nintendo games and UNO! Malas Akak nak join, asik2 kalah jer! Ops!

Yes, Akak skarang ado kat Gold Coast with my family for a week since yesterday kitaorang sampai (for those yang tak baca previous posts, yes, Akak sedang dalam percutian with my family, the annual holiday thingy), and today, nothing much happened except pi shopping barang2 umah/ dapur plus lepak2 umah sajork since today is a public holiday here in Australia - hari pekerja katanya! Mrasalah Akak sambut dua kali hari pekerja; Khamis baru lepas kat Malaysia and today di Australia! Hiks!

Akak will be back with more updates and Akak nye daily travel log will be up soon, VERY soon, InsyaAllah! Mati lah tertunggak travel log yang lenglains itiew! LOL!

Well, that's all for now; so long, farewell for now; I think I'll just go for a cycle or a drive kat area2 nih sajork... or busuk2, Akak gi ke living room and start main jimrami or the Nintendo Wii virtual games and kalah somemore...hiks! See you ols semua... dui!!! :)

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Kelomok said...  
sampai jugak uols kt sana ek..makan atik..asik amik pic umah je..jejans aussie mana? tataw..sekali sekala amik la pic sendiri..nk jugak tgk tahap kebentatan ko skang..wakakakaka jgn mara naa...rindu nk lepak ngan ko..
Nurlea Laurielle said...  
Macam kesial mulut ko skarnag nih kat Y? hehehehehe
Nurlea Laurielle said...  
BTW Y, aku datang bercuti dan berehat2. bukan datang berehat2 dan melacur yer... mak belom sedia masuk lokap dan dijamin 1/2juta - eh wait, according to some, I've already done that; biarpun hanye duduk tercangak sembang2 sambil isap rokok di belakang toilet balai polis di caruts duduk dalam JAIL, kan? Lalalala
amybarakbah said...  
alamak lea.. kakmed tataw u ols p holiday kat GC itiew..

semalam ada sms tanyakan pasal i nak p holiday kat Bali or Phuket.. tanya lah how much kalu nak p sana bulan 6 or 7..

anw enjoy urself.. nak kirim belikan Fridge Magnets from Gold Coast boleh? hehehe
Nurlea Laurielle said...  
Mrasalah kak med len kali nak sms akak, nengok2 duliew lah my blog for updates, nah? hehehe fridge magnets? can can nanti i ols tgk2kan.. (mati la 'tgk2kan' dan bukan 'beli2kan', kan? Hahahahah!)

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