Talk about being 'MALAS'/ lazy; imaginelah kalau kite campur-gaulkan lazinessi (dah serupe bunyienye 'PELESSI', kan? Hahaha matilakau 5thE! Hahaha!) together with kebosanan keboringan; and what do you get? Nah! Menyepi dua tige menjak lepas last posting on April 26th (like, 4 days ago - ceh, tak der la lame mane, kan? But rase cam laaame sesangats!), and plus been VERY busy getting MALAS and BORED - tah lah, I think it's the SEASONING, eh, SEASON la, kan? Its season BORING dan MALAS serta lesu... (Matilakau 5thE mak caruts kau lagi - "GIRL FOR ALL SEASON" la kan!!? Hahahaha!)
And also, when boring + lazy, there's somes-sthings else you get also; tu ha, wajah comel dalam pic from Flickr itiew. Yes, itiew lah tema Akak these days yer; Akak tetiber rajin jadi MALAS, Akak tetiber suker jadi BORING, Akak aktifkan diri MEMERAP DALAM UMAH, dan hujung hari hujung pangkal, ha, mrasalah Akak pung jadik comel macam kucing bermatakan terbeliakness itiew - die lah tetiber I terpikir of someone bermata sedemikian! LOL!
Anyways, yes, hentamlah Akak, basuh dan tibai la Akak, for being malas lately; seriously, Akak pun don't know what's got into me. Kalau dah time rajin, rajin sesangats. Entahlah, I think, very very tidak syak lagik prasangkaan Akak, this kemalasan and kelaziens Akak nih adalah disebabkan tindakbalas therapy electrostatic itiew lar! (LINK)
Or prolly memang betul gamaknye Akak been very tied up with work and preparation to go to Gold Coast this Sunday. But seriously la, for the first time, Akak not looking forward nak gi jengjalan. Prolly sebab of June kots? Hahaha tak juger. In fact arh, Akak rase cam, tah, lesu tak bermaya semacam jer by weekdays. Tapi by weekend, cerdas eh C.A., kite gi tgk wayang!? LOL!
Coming back to my MALAS issue; including the KEBOSANAN yang teramats iniew, and how it work wonder dalam kehidupan kite sehari-harian, kan? I mean, like, common la, Volksie - pernah tak (which I'm sure you have la kan...) you just feel so malas, sampaikan you tak terpikir dua kali untuk rajinkan diri jadi BOSAN, kan? Cam like, Akak nak explain pun taktau cemana; tapi amazing kan, walaupun in such condition, kita boleh teruskan hidup, dan pap pup pap pup pap, dah habis April; berlalunya April even faster than 'Gone With The Wind' katanye... (NO 5thE, you're not tryin' to selitkan Girl for all season yer - CHUP WINTER! Hahaha!)
I don't know what's the motif Akak buat entry nih; and Akak dinch ado alasan munasabah nak explain or berikan atas dasar kenapakah Akak jadi camnih. Period kot? OPS! Apa apa pon, Akak hope by the time Akak balik from Gold Coast nanti Akak dinch akan malas dos (mati la travel log ke SHANGHAI dan BANDUNG pun belom buat - inikan ada hati nak RAJIN buat entry for Gold Coast!? LOL!). Hopefully Akak leh campakkan ketepi laut ke ape ke kat Gold Coast tu my malas-ness and boring-ness yang sedang giat MARA melanda diriew Akak iniew. Ish...

Sewaktiew di Shanghai - isk, kurus la piuler time itiew eh?! Hurmmm...- maaf, wajah terpaksa Akak cutout kan; biase lah, dinch mau publicity- ops!

Sewaktiew berpacaran2 di malam dingin di bandar Bandung with 3 local buddies... haiyoh! Must tell lah this story soon, Akak makin dah nak lupo dos! LOL!
Owh, and before I ols forgets - SELAMAT HARI BURIUH! Akak akan celebrate dua kali Hari Pekerja ok! Hari nih sekali dah - nuh, Akak sampai Gold Coast nanti, MONDAY katanya depa kat sana pulak public holiday for hari pekerja. Gerand! No life guards on duty ley kalau cam gitiew kat sunny Surfers Paradise itiew? Ahhhhshiaks! Akak baru nak feeling2 berbekini dan purak2 diserang jaws di laut (WALHAL AKAK DUDUK TERDAMPAR BAGAIKAN DUGONG *Dugong yer bukan DUYONG! LOL!* DI TEPIAN PANTAI - motif jaws nak mai merangkak kah ke tepian pantai!? LOL!)
Pa per pun I think that's all for now; tgk lah later2 mai tetiber mood mood jenuak Akak tetiber nak buat entry zast, kan? (Which Akak doubt la kan! LOL!) I think I'll go and get my laundry, and then gi jogging. Yes, malas2, boring2, can go jogging - can catwalk2 washing2 eyes (cuci mata - ops!) Tapi sebelum Akak mengundurkan diri, izinkan sye berpantiuns... (PANTUN LAH! Hish!)

Nak lagu untuk didownload? Hehehe I'm bering so rajinly generously spoon feeding semuenye - lirik la, video lah, now the song/ mp3 piuler? (macam la tak leh carik sendiri, kan? Tapi we have to admit, ade orang yang MALAS dan BOSAN and couldn't be bothered nak carik all these and harapkan insan2 seperti Akak juger yang berikan linky semuenye - EH WAIT, I think I have just become RAJIN pulak dah?! LOL!) - LINK
Hurm, ape lagi eh? Owh yes - laundry, and packing! See ya! Duiii duiii bebayen deduiyens duist! Hiks!
PS: If you ols perasan, Akak ade kuarkan statement dalam Cbox: jap jap nak carik, mana dia tatau... ha... there...
PS2: DANNN! Akak baru teringat- speaking of travel log; bukan setakat Akak masih utang Shanghai trip + Bandung vacation report, MALAH Akak masih belom buat al kesah trip Akak yang seminggu bagaikan SEBULAN ke Langkawi awal tahun iniew dulu tu - haiyoh! Matilah banyak sunggoh bill tertunggak tertungging! Hiks!

And also, when boring + lazy, there's somes-sthings else you get also; tu ha, wajah comel dalam pic from Flickr itiew. Yes, itiew lah tema Akak these days yer; Akak tetiber rajin jadi MALAS, Akak tetiber suker jadi BORING, Akak aktifkan diri MEMERAP DALAM UMAH, dan hujung hari hujung pangkal, ha, mrasalah Akak pung jadik comel macam kucing bermatakan terbeliakness itiew - die lah tetiber I terpikir of someone bermata sedemikian! LOL!
Anyways, yes, hentamlah Akak, basuh dan tibai la Akak, for being malas lately; seriously, Akak pun don't know what's got into me. Kalau dah time rajin, rajin sesangats. Entahlah, I think, very very tidak syak lagik prasangkaan Akak, this kemalasan and kelaziens Akak nih adalah disebabkan tindakbalas therapy electrostatic itiew lar! (LINK)
Or prolly memang betul gamaknye Akak been very tied up with work and preparation to go to Gold Coast this Sunday. But seriously la, for the first time, Akak not looking forward nak gi jengjalan. Prolly sebab of June kots? Hahaha tak juger. In fact arh, Akak rase cam, tah, lesu tak bermaya semacam jer by weekdays. Tapi by weekend, cerdas eh C.A., kite gi tgk wayang!? LOL!
Coming back to my MALAS issue; including the KEBOSANAN yang teramats iniew, and how it work wonder dalam kehidupan kite sehari-harian, kan? I mean, like, common la, Volksie - pernah tak (which I'm sure you have la kan...) you just feel so malas, sampaikan you tak terpikir dua kali untuk rajinkan diri jadi BOSAN, kan? Cam like, Akak nak explain pun taktau cemana; tapi amazing kan, walaupun in such condition, kita boleh teruskan hidup, dan pap pup pap pup pap, dah habis April; berlalunya April even faster than 'Gone With The Wind' katanye... (NO 5thE, you're not tryin' to selitkan Girl for all season yer - CHUP WINTER! Hahaha!)
I don't know what's the motif Akak buat entry nih; and Akak dinch ado alasan munasabah nak explain or berikan atas dasar kenapakah Akak jadi camnih. Period kot? OPS! Apa apa pon, Akak hope by the time Akak balik from Gold Coast nanti Akak dinch akan malas dos (mati la travel log ke SHANGHAI dan BANDUNG pun belom buat - inikan ada hati nak RAJIN buat entry for Gold Coast!? LOL!). Hopefully Akak leh campakkan ketepi laut ke ape ke kat Gold Coast tu my malas-ness and boring-ness yang sedang giat MARA melanda diriew Akak iniew. Ish...

Owh, and before I ols forgets - SELAMAT HARI BURIUH! Akak akan celebrate dua kali Hari Pekerja ok! Hari nih sekali dah - nuh, Akak sampai Gold Coast nanti, MONDAY katanya depa kat sana pulak public holiday for hari pekerja. Gerand! No life guards on duty ley kalau cam gitiew kat sunny Surfers Paradise itiew? Ahhhhshiaks! Akak baru nak feeling2 berbekini dan purak2 diserang jaws di laut (WALHAL AKAK DUDUK TERDAMPAR BAGAIKAN DUGONG *Dugong yer bukan DUYONG! LOL!* DI TEPIAN PANTAI - motif jaws nak mai merangkak kah ke tepian pantai!? LOL!)
Pa per pun I think that's all for now; tgk lah later2 mai tetiber mood mood jenuak Akak tetiber nak buat entry zast, kan? (Which Akak doubt la kan! LOL!) I think I'll go and get my laundry, and then gi jogging. Yes, malas2, boring2, can go jogging - can catwalk2 washing2 eyes (cuci mata - ops!) Tapi sebelum Akak mengundurkan diri, izinkan sye berpantiuns... (PANTUN LAH! Hish!)
Tepuk amai amai,MOTIF tetiber pantiunts? Sorry; silap channel. Actually Akak nak akhiri entry yang tak der maknenye iniew dengan video lagu kegemaran Akak yang tau tau ALSO kegemaran 5thE! (U, awas yer! Always ah you! Heheheheh! Anyways, Akak nye got lyrics included - you got meh? OPS! Mati la Akak pun nak burn ke CD dan melalak dalam kete! Lalalala!) Duuuuiiii for now!...
Belalang kupu kupu,
Makan ramai ramai,
Bayaq satu satu (meaning bayaq sendirian berhad la; sooomething like that lah! Ape kaitannye semuanye iniew pun Akak dinch hui lah! LOL!)

Now here's the video pulaks! Hiks!Girl For All Season - from Grease 2
Music & Lyrics: Domenic Bugatti & Frank Muskeer
Vocals: Maureen Teffy (Spring), Lorna Luft (Summer), Alison Price (Fall), Michelle Pfeiffer (Winter)
I'll be yours in springtime when the flowers are in bloom.
We'll wander through the meadows, in all their sweet perfume.
And every night I'll hold you tight beneath that April moon.
Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh
I'll be your girl for all seasons, all the year through.
Your girl for all seasons,
'Cause I love, yes I love to be everything to you, just you.
I'll be yours in summer, when we're playin' in the sand.
We'll spend the day together, makin' love and gettin' tanned.
And on the beach at sunset, when we're walking hand in hand.
If you fall in the fall, you'll see, September can be heavenly.
If you fall, say you'll fall for me,
When autumn leaves are fallin' from the trees.
I'll be yours in winter, when the snow is on the ground.
I'll warm you through December, and I'll always be around.
We'll kiss below the mistletoe, when Santa comes to town.
Girl for all seasons, I'll be your girl for all seasons.
Summer in sunshine, winter in snowflakes.
Springtime in showers, falling in love.
Summer, winter, spring, and fall
Yes, I'll be everything to you.
Nak lagu untuk didownload? Hehehe I'm bering so rajinly generously spoon feeding semuenye - lirik la, video lah, now the song/ mp3 piuler? (macam la tak leh carik sendiri, kan? Tapi we have to admit, ade orang yang MALAS dan BOSAN and couldn't be bothered nak carik all these and harapkan insan2 seperti Akak juger yang berikan linky semuenye - EH WAIT, I think I have just become RAJIN pulak dah?! LOL!) - LINK
Hurm, ape lagi eh? Owh yes - laundry, and packing! See ya! Duiii duiii bebayen deduiyens duist! Hiks!
PS: If you ols perasan, Akak ade kuarkan statement dalam Cbox: jap jap nak carik, mana dia tatau... ha... there...
N u r l e a ® @ office: The worst fear for every blogger dosi attackin' me; have I lost interest in blogging already? Tidakkk!!! What's with this kemalasan iniew!!! *sambil smacking my head - update! update! update! you silly cow!Silly cow katanye!? LOL! Matilah carut diri sendiriew! LOL! Akan tetapi, disebalik statement itiew, noticed dak pa per perubahan kat blog layout/ template Akak? Ha, malas2nye Akak berblogging, or should I say, ala ala bagaikan dah lost interest, TAPI, bab bab decorativekan blog layout/ template masih gigih nih! LOL! Macam mana tu? Sape nak jawab?! LOL! Pengubahsuaian masih dalam progress ya... hiks!
PS2: DANNN! Akak baru teringat- speaking of travel log; bukan setakat Akak masih utang Shanghai trip + Bandung vacation report, MALAH Akak masih belom buat al kesah trip Akak yang seminggu bagaikan SEBULAN ke Langkawi awal tahun iniew dulu tu - haiyoh! Matilah banyak sunggoh bill tertunggak tertungging! Hiks!

me so gona