Another Al - Fatihah prayers...

Decorated Qur'an
Originally uploaded by menj
REMARKS: Entry created on April 19th 2008 for entry post on April 8th 2008

Irecall just a few days ago we said our prayers to Allahyarhamah Seniwati Yusni Jaffar LINK. And today, 8th of April, 2008, my dear neighbor pulak passed away... Innalillah...

Siape menduge, dan siapa menyangka - Allahyarham Pak Tuan Syed yang senantiasa kelihatan sihat tau tau menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir awal pagi tadi... I was shocked, and in fact, up till now, today, I still macam couldn't believe it...

Akan tetapi setiap yang hidup pasti mati; yang datang pasti akan pergi - and sama2lah kita sedekahkan surah Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham...

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