BACKDATED ENTRY - "Love Story" remake...

my cat
Originally uploaded by jorislaloutre
REMARKS: Entry created on March 30th 2008 for entry post on March 26th 2008

Remember tak Akak dulu once said dalam entry mana tah; "... A great love knows no boundaries no limits..." dan seorang contestant Ratu2an juger pernah berkata... "Cinta, adalah amat besar ertinya; dan ia termasuklah cinta sesama manusia, cinta sesama binatang (I was sure she said HAIWAN - but BINATANG sounds lovelier don't you agree? LOL!)... dan bla bla bla" cinta dengan alam and what not... It doesn't really matter hat bahagian lain2 tu, sebab what Akak ingin khususkan dalam entry iniew, adalah, cinta haiwan/ binatang...

... NO! Bukan manusia bercinta main-rembak bagai dengan binatangs la hanjs!!! Hish! Ade ke kesitiew pulak - kejist tau! Hahahahaha! I'm referring to the love shared between animals, sesama meke la katenye... ;)

Dan bile we talk about the subject of love, matters of the heart, regardless whether it involves human sesama human, or between two animals, one thing yang we cannot deny, adalah babak2 cinta yang curang durjana - "UNFAITHFUL" (sambil lagu background bertukar-keudaranya Rihanna's Unfaithful...)

Seriously, no kidding; you think humans only go through series of love drama with 'unfaithful' episodes? Well, two words for ya - "THINK AGAIN!!!" And by the way, I can assure you, that this "LOVE STORY" remake episode/ edition, is the very one episode/ edition that wouldn't wanna miss! Click to proceed and watch the video embed in the entry!!! :)

REMARKS: IF the embed-video/ player from YouTube does not appear in this entry, kindly click at this LINK to view the video at my Youtube page!

HA, regardless lah siapakah sponsor utama video clip menyayat hati inih, ker... ape ke... yang pentingnye, korang tak terasa wanna cry kah nengok hikayat episode cinta mereke iniew?

LKY: One quicky question tho - erm, adakah itiew 'hubungan' secara RELA, ataupun, adakah si pemangsan berbulu putih fluffy fluff fluff itiew sedang dalam keadaan TERPAKSA/ DIPAKSA? Hurmmm... what do you guys think?

Yang pentinye... bagi Akak, see - terbukti yer, animals pun mampu go through scenarios macam kesah2 cinta manusia nih, so, apa lah sangats kan berdrama bagai dalam percintaan iniew? Taking for example kesah pilu dalam video di atas itiew; instead of feelin' sorry, all upset and all, bagi Akak, sepatutnye, si pemerajuk itiew patutnye JOIN in! Like... that English saying goes - "If u can't beat 'em, JOIN 'em!!!", KAN!? OPS!

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