Although this entry's title is like a question, combining bagaikan two different issues, like, confused bagai and all, seemingly relating to my blog's name being changed, at the same time ade kaitan with the two identical yet different photos from Flickr, but, behold, the attached opening pixie sebenarnye akan menerangkan segalanya, and has its way of saying later its content, later in the entry... hiks! Mati la Akak!!!
It came to my attention that my blog name ada macam 'kureng', somesthings nots rights somewhere I sense katanya. And so during the boring 'only' 30 minutes meeting dengan orang2 yang couldn't be bothered much about the meeting and their travel program as they are more focused pasal the upcoming pageant, EH, silap, I meant the upcoming Hari Acara Mari Mengundi Dalam Guni... ops! Maaf, syasyul lagik ya pak - I meant, Hari Mengundi/ Pilihanraya Umum 2008 yang falls on the 8th, which will be this Saturday katanya yer. So anyways, since depa depa dalam meeting room tak kuasa nak bincang pasal travel plans depa, Akak pun tak kuasa nak melayan. Jadi, sesenang hati sesukahati sukawati sukajadinya Akak pikirkan about my blog name...
Ha, here comes part/ hal pixie diatas tadi itiew. THAT'S the original pixie, uploaded by... erm, oh yes, by labspics. But unfortunately, the original saying FAIL FAIL FAIL itiew macam has got nuthing to do with the entry, so I had to alter edit crop copy paste type-tools and what not the original pix, to become... THIS! Hiks!

Noticekah anda ade perubahan kat mukasurat buku yang diholdkan oleh, erm, Akak tak sure whether that's a gugirl or boboygirl boygugirl but I'm pretty sure it ain't real - OPS! Anyways, that's not the issue; issuenye ialah apa yang tertera atas pages itiew, yang telah Akak highlightkan dengan table berborder merah itiew. Click to have a clearer view... hiks!
NOW can see difference between original pixie uploaded by labspic and the one I've just done editing for like less than 5 minutes? Hiks! Yes. Content kat atas pages-displayed on the open-book held by that, erm, pretty and nice person... (mati la ayat 'play-safe' katanya, kan? Hahahah!)
Yes, the issue is about changing my blog name. Well, actually, tak der lah issue sangat. Cuma after pikir like berulang- kali (mati la lepas nak launch blog baru berbulan2 lamanya baru sekarang terhengeh2 nak pikirkan, kan!? Hahahaha and what's worse, pasal nama BLOG pulak tu! Harus la lepas nih boleh dijadikkan modal buat nak carut Akak, kan Mak Hayiems Gingerinaska? Hehehehe, KAN? Lalala...) maka Akak buat kepiutusan to change my blog name sempena hari yang indah iniew. Hiks!
So anyways, Akak tak kisah. Janji Akak nak citer why tetiber terkejiuts dog taufan katrina bagai nan ado tetiber wanna change blog name. Well, I was like, thinking, looking at The Feed Traffic kat sidebar blog Akak itiew, I noticed that most of my visitors to this new blog came in from my previous blog, now turned into an 'archive-content' blog katanya. And then, Akak pikirkan balik; why eh? Dah berbula lamanye still ramai masuk ikut blog lama. Ada ong ka blog lama? So pikir2kan balik, Akak dinch mau BEZA dan ASINGkan sangat2 my new blog; walhal blog authornye tetaplah AKAK, kan!? Hahahaha. Cuma this new blog, mrasalah ade sedikiuts sebanyaks perubahans, sekadar mengikut peredaran semasa dunia blogging and IT. Jadi, dari Akak menten nama lama... tetiber dok tak duduk ~ a . n e w . c h a p t e r ~ bagai (siap ber SPACE SPACE berselang- seli from each alphabets tu yang Akak tak tahan itiew, kan? Hahahaha!) mrasalah Akak cuba selitkan unsur2 blog ber-ong lama Akak itiew...
Previous blog...
Stories of my life; I write, you read... katanya...
Dan nama new blog nye piuler, hasil keputusan spontaneous katanya...
Akak lahirkan (laaahirkan katanya... ahaks!)
~ a . n e w . c h a p t e r ~
Mengambil faktor nama blog lama, untuk disatiewkan dengan nama blog baru, maka... terciptalah (ha, cipta pulak dah, bukan lahir lagi dah? Hahahaha)
"Stories of my life; A new chapter has arrived..."
KAN? Mrasa... kombinasiew... Heheheh betterinas, right? Well, actually, sebenar2nye, seawal2 nak tukar nama blog baru itiew, I wanted to put it as
"Stories of my life; I write, you read A new chapter has arrived..."
TAPI apakandaya, vaaartttodo! Ruangan/ space for the blog title prohibits inclusion of HTML codings. Sentips Akak jadinye. Maka, terpaksa la Akak go to option kedua.
Yang sebenarnye, kalau u ols wanna know, Akak terkinja2 nak bernamablog sekomplikated as "Stories of my life;I write, you read A new chapter has arrived..." as my original new blog name plan itiew, bukannye ape. Akak nak tunjukkan,...
"Stories of my life; A new chapter has arrived..." Blog's description: And so it seems like there's no ending, no stopping,
and no such thing as 'enough is enough',
for the journey of "Stories of my life; I write, you read..." has come to a newer beginning,
a more matured, positive and fresh start.
With many more untold stories and waiting to be discovered chapters,
I bring you lea-laurielle @;
certainly, a new chapter indeed...
REMARKS: Inieh blog diskripsi MUNGKIN akan dialter-ubah-tukar lagi;
tgk la lagu mana gayanya nantiew.
Tapi blog diskripsi itiew idok lah se-important as menukar nama blog Akak,
IMHO lah kan... hiks!
PS: Owh, sekiranya u ols not aware lagi, biar Akak bagitau again here. Buat masa sekarang, this blog, which is directly linked by the following URL:; can also be connected using the following URL: (works the same without the http:// as well as excluding the www part - can use, also can. This direct from personal web URL to my blog at blogspot however will not be permanent; any changes will be advised to all accordingly.
Complicated jugok eh entry nih nampak2 gayanye? Kan? Tapi persoalannye; entry nih matters to Akak jer ke? Bagi readers, got effect dak? Maybe now readers can rase like you guys are reading the same ol' blog cuma berbeza layout and concept lite2 sugi bezanye? Say what you think overall dalam comment area, k? Hiks!
It came to my attention that my blog name ada macam 'kureng', somesthings nots rights somewhere I sense katanya. And so during the boring 'only' 30 minutes meeting dengan orang2 yang couldn't be bothered much about the meeting and their travel program as they are more focused pasal the upcoming pageant, EH, silap, I meant the upcoming Hari Acara Mari Mengundi Dalam Guni... ops! Maaf, syasyul lagik ya pak - I meant, Hari Mengundi/ Pilihanraya Umum 2008 yang falls on the 8th, which will be this Saturday katanya yer. So anyways, since depa depa dalam meeting room tak kuasa nak bincang pasal travel plans depa, Akak pun tak kuasa nak melayan. Jadi, sesenang hati sesukahati sukawati sukajadinya Akak pikirkan about my blog name...
Ha, here comes part/ hal pixie diatas tadi itiew. THAT'S the original pixie, uploaded by... erm, oh yes, by labspics. But unfortunately, the original saying FAIL FAIL FAIL itiew macam has got nuthing to do with the entry, so I had to alter edit crop copy paste type-tools and what not the original pix, to become... THIS! Hiks!

NOW can see difference between original pixie uploaded by labspic and the one I've just done editing for like less than 5 minutes? Hiks! Yes. Content kat atas pages-displayed on the open-book held by that, erm, pretty and nice person... (mati la ayat 'play-safe' katanya, kan? Hahahah!)
Yes, the issue is about changing my blog name. Well, actually, tak der lah issue sangat. Cuma after pikir like berulang- kali (mati la lepas nak launch blog baru berbulan2 lamanya baru sekarang terhengeh2 nak pikirkan, kan!? Hahahaha and what's worse, pasal nama BLOG pulak tu! Harus la lepas nih boleh dijadikkan modal buat nak carut Akak, kan Mak Hayiems Gingerinaska? Hehehehe, KAN? Lalala...) maka Akak buat kepiutusan to change my blog name sempena hari yang indah iniew. Hiks!
So anyways, Akak tak kisah. Janji Akak nak citer why tetiber terkejiuts dog taufan katrina bagai nan ado tetiber wanna change blog name. Well, I was like, thinking, looking at The Feed Traffic kat sidebar blog Akak itiew, I noticed that most of my visitors to this new blog came in from my previous blog, now turned into an 'archive-content' blog katanya. And then, Akak pikirkan balik; why eh? Dah berbula lamanye still ramai masuk ikut blog lama. Ada ong ka blog lama? So pikir2kan balik, Akak dinch mau BEZA dan ASINGkan sangat2 my new blog; walhal blog authornye tetaplah AKAK, kan!? Hahahaha. Cuma this new blog, mrasalah ade sedikiuts sebanyaks perubahans, sekadar mengikut peredaran semasa dunia blogging and IT. Jadi, dari Akak menten nama lama... tetiber dok tak duduk ~ a . n e w . c h a p t e r ~ bagai (siap ber SPACE SPACE berselang- seli from each alphabets tu yang Akak tak tahan itiew, kan? Hahahaha!) mrasalah Akak cuba selitkan unsur2 blog ber-ong lama Akak itiew...
Stories of my life; I write, you read... katanya...
Dan nama new blog nye piuler, hasil keputusan spontaneous katanya...
Akak lahirkan (laaahirkan katanya... ahaks!)
~ a . n e w . c h a p t e r ~
Mengambil faktor nama blog lama, untuk disatiewkan dengan nama blog baru, maka... terciptalah (ha, cipta pulak dah, bukan lahir lagi dah? Hahahaha)
"Stories of my life; A new chapter has arrived..."
KAN? Mrasa... kombinasiew... Heheheh betterinas, right? Well, actually, sebenar2nye, seawal2 nak tukar nama blog baru itiew, I wanted to put it as
TAPI apakandaya, vaaartttodo! Ruangan/ space for the blog title prohibits inclusion of HTML codings. Sentips Akak jadinye. Maka, terpaksa la Akak go to option kedua.
Yang sebenarnye, kalau u ols wanna know, Akak terkinja2 nak bernamablog sekomplikated as "Stories of my life;
The reason why I wanted to use "Stories of my life;So, to cut the story short (hahahah dah terselayas LONG dah pun the intended-to-be-a-short-entry iniew... LOL!), maka, I now, bring yiew...I write, you readA new chapter has arrived..." as the new blog name is simply to show nama yang original/ previous blog Akak, tuh ha, namanye, 'Stories of my life; I write, you read...' katanya...
And then ade got thestrike throughkat the phrase 'I write, you read...' itiew, serta digantikan dengan the italic and underlined line 'A new chapter has arrived...' itiew; these are meant, to show that the blog is still the same - it is still about 'Stories of my life' (mati lah "It's all about YOU! YOU! YOU!" katanya Ginger yer? Hehehe!). The blog's concept remains tidak berubah (maybe berubah just a little) but from the original saying 'I write, you read...' itiew, sudah no more di blog bariew, dan digantikan with a new tagline - 'A new chapter has arrived...' Ha, paham dak? Kire, macam, same blog different stylo with slight changes here and there, and also different blog-service provider sajork... hiks!
And THAT'S what I was trying to prove!!! Hiks!
and no such thing as 'enough is enough',
for the journey of "Stories of my life; I write, you read..." has come to a newer beginning,
a more matured, positive and fresh start.
With many more untold stories and waiting to be discovered chapters,
I bring you lea-laurielle @;
certainly, a new chapter indeed...
REMARKS: Inieh blog diskripsi MUNGKIN akan dialter-ubah-tukar lagi;
tgk la lagu mana gayanya nantiew.
Tapi blog diskripsi itiew idok lah se-important as menukar nama blog Akak,
IMHO lah kan... hiks!
PS: Owh, sekiranya u ols not aware lagi, biar Akak bagitau again here. Buat masa sekarang, this blog, which is directly linked by the following URL:; can also be connected using the following URL: (works the same without the http:// as well as excluding the www part - can use, also can. This direct from personal web URL to my blog at blogspot however will not be permanent; any changes will be advised to all accordingly.
Complicated jugok eh entry nih nampak2 gayanye? Kan? Tapi persoalannye; entry nih matters to Akak jer ke? Bagi readers, got effect dak? Maybe now readers can rase like you guys are reading the same ol' blog cuma berbeza layout and concept lite2 sugi bezanye? Say what you think overall dalam comment area, k? Hiks!
Personally i think, your new blog have must come out with the same concept dari segi pengertian and content taken from the previous blog. Thats what make your blog meletop!Just my thoughts tho.. :)
Interms of design i like this new blog better than the old. Nothing wrong with this new blog. Teruskan menulis k!
and yes, im one of your silent readers *run run pose gorgeous!
Mrasa gi melawat sini
mudah jeee! Thenn, kalo nak gi tengok sample orang yang dah pakai widget ni, you boleh pergi sini Mrasa la cubeee ;) Kalau salah beritahu ye :)