Yeap - the word 'Handsome' was actually referring to the new year of 2008 (and since when 'years' got gender one? LOL!). Anyways, it's 3.00a.m. on a very quiet yet lovely Tuesday morning; very peaceful and so very der cold oneee (yes, and the air conditioning system tak switched 'on' pun, still masih feeling² sejuk... how?) - I believe it's a fine time for me to do the very 1st entry for the year 2008! Hoyehhh!!!
It is such an amazing feeling to be in a new year, when only just minutes (now already turned hours la kan - LOL!) we were in the year 2007. Rase macam, tah la. Like hard to explain. One minute you're in this year, and the next thing you're already in another year. Macam, magic pun ade, right? Hiks!
But I guess, being in a new year brings many more new adventures, many new exciting moments and fond memories to be stored in the hard drive of one's life, kan? (InsyaAllah... let us pray and mintak dijauhkan from the other way round ya...). And with that, looking back at a wonderful year of 2007 (last year... See!? Like, funny you know the feeling. Just now only I was posting and editing an entry for 2007, tahu tahu sudah... aiyoh. I'm repeating lagi nih, motif?!); anyways, looking back at a wonderful colorful year of 2007, I feel that before I even begin talking about my hopes and dreams for the year 2008, it is best that I do the usual "THANK YOU" note to those people who enhanced the colors of my life in 2007.

DISCLAIMER: This is one of those 'from the bottom of my heart' entry - please SAVE your time and energy from criticizing with unwanted thoughts. Its a personal blog with personal expressions in every posting - so please, do us all a favor and go help yourself with lots of Porns on Xtube or somethin'. Prolly that will cheer you up rather than being grumpy in my blog! LOL! And to those whom I may tend to forget to mention in this "THANK YOU" note, thousands of apologies yer. Forgive me for not only I suffer laryngitis (ape kene mengena penyakit suara kasar nih!? Mati la mak!), but I also suffer from STML (short term memory loss) problem, yang I rase kian hari kian parah gara² infeksi berjangkitan dari Ginger yang MUDA tapi KUAT PELUPA - ops! Die la me later today? Lalalala!
Goodbye 2007 and welcoming the fresh new start of 2008; indeed 2007 has somewhat been sweet and changed my life a lot - 2007 had given me a tremendous joy and experience that will last forever. 2007 had also given me a new insight firstly on how I see myself, subsequently on how I perceive on others.
I have very much to be thankful to those who have contributed towards the wonderful past year, 2007.
Firstly, allow me to thank God for giving me the opportunity to feel what it feels like to be a winner, to lead an almost a successful life (there's room for improvement somewhere somewhat something, yes?), and most of all, I thank God for giving me his blessings and for fulfilling my wishes of obtaining a wonderful year of 2007 - and of course for also allowing me to feel what it feels like living today, January 1st, 2008, Alhamdulillah...
The year 2007 will not be the same without my family of course, who have been supporting me all these while, through ups and downs - although there were occasions where there's that tiny room for generation gaps, but I guess thats normal. Thank you to those who knows who and what I truly am and for keeping that secret safe within the family...
But most of all, the thank you for a wonderful 2007 note would not be complete if I do not include this - to thank all for my friends - to all those wonderful close, best, dear friends of mine. Would I be here today if it weren't for you lots?... Thank you so much for believing in me, for giving me the support, encouragement and most importantly, for seeing me for who and what I truly am. Here I would like to take the opportunity to say the names of those who have made my year 2007, wonderful, and possible: (Names are in no particular order of importance ya/ random order - not from the most important to the least importante ok?)
1. Chefaduka a.k.a. C.A. a.k.a. Leha Tapai Basi: What would a friend do without you? You were and still are the close friend ever here, the only place where Alor is the Star. You've always been there by my side, helped me through numerous tasks and stuffs, stood up high next to me, for me, and most of all, thank you for putting up with all my craps...
2. Ginger a.k.a. Halia Gurun Kering - ops!: Gal, again we've gone through another year as close friends and hopefully for years to come until I die (yer lah, I keep on getting older, whereas you stay at 25 forever, kan? Hehehe...). Although there were those awful times again when we salah faham with each other again but still, 2007 I'd say ada kurang la sikit compared to the year before and before the year before itiew, kan? But whatever it is, I pegang your kata² gal...

Thank you Ginger... very much...

Ginger, and C.A. - thank you so much ya you two!!!

Yes, get your face-smiling face out of my fake boobies! Hiks!
3. Volks a.k.a. Volksie: What would I do without you? I've said it like gazillion trillion times but it never seems to be like enough. Personally, you're the one yang been there a lot for me. Emotional support from you, I can never say thank you. Throughout the year 2007, your place was just like my own (mati la 2007 jer ke? LOL!)... Once again, thank you nah...

Thank you Volksie; my fashion and appearance advisor... personal helper (yang now diambil alih C.A. when it comes to events in Northern region dan ketiadaannye. Hiks!)... what would Miss World 2006 do without you la ek?
4. 5thE a.k.a. Fifirinawatisa'diah: Hiks - another good friend who gave me 101% support when it comes to me being in state of pathetic emo. You've comforted me (though through YM or SMS or just phone call) and it always occur to me that your Caller Ringing Tone always helps to cool me down, relaxes me in a way no one would imagine it would be... ;) Thanks gal for the sponsorship of the dress; was honored to be the 1st to have the opportunity to sarungkan dan pelepappp atas badan mek... tq ya!!!
5. kW: We've been friends since 2005, and personally, 2007 was the year I'd say I felt lagi close to you. Remember your A/S visit, the good heart to heart talk. Pakcik, thank you for sharing your stories and mengadu to me. I feel honored to have the opportunity to live 2007 as someone orang dipercayai, orang yang boleh u count on and glad to be a shoulder for you to cry on, well, not that you cried for real or anything la kan. Hiks! And erm, for all that, I owe you a big thank you and a mega huge apology for what happened last night, early 2008. It was a wrong move for me to have said what I said to you in the TB, and for that I request you not to be pissed or anything. I know it was a start of a new year with the wrong move, but don't want to continue taking wrong turns; so with that, please accept my sincere apologies.
6. Eva, Val, Viviana, Babeparis, Izad Fika, Kak Lara, Isis and others: Gals, thank you ALL for your kind support for the whole year of 2007!!! Glad to be still part of the team of friends, and enjoyed every bit of our moments together as friends. Thank you gals!
7. The rest of my other friends, Mamyzackzali, TWRock, TPS Belle, Hooksie, the rest of my TB's friends, Nory, Adam, Kak Rain, Nasik, - and others: Thank you for supporting my 2007 be it in my blog, in the TB, and others - thank you. I couldn't have been doing this entry of goodbye a wonderful 2007 without you guys. And I'm glad to say that we'll go another year (2008) together and plese continue to support me, my blog and my life, by being who and what you guys truly are; friends of mine. Thank you...

Eva, thank you for your guidance, support and the friendship yang tak pernah putus since 2002. Thank you gal...

To all my friends (be it yang hadir or not in the picture la kan...)- THANK YOU for yes, another wonderful year of friendship...

Ditto la katanya...

I've got one thing to say to you Viviana; F*ccckkk yiewww!!! Hahahah... Luv ya gal!
Special thanks to that one man who shall remain anonymous but will always have a place in my heart.
Yesterday 2007, today, now, 2008 - its just like another dream that has just came true. Leaving yesterday, arriving today, goodbye 2007, hello 2008. Its a blessing in which I clearly see without a doubt.
2007 enabled me to meet people of 1001 races, personalities, style; I shall never forget all of these, and again, my sincere gratitudes to FATE AND LIFE ITSELF for letting me be part of this joy and celebration to world, and life... and I hope there will be more of these for the year 2008. Although its 2008 now, be rest assured 2007, I shall keep you (the year 2007) with all the fond memories close to my heart.
And as usual, when it comes to a new year, there's always this new year's resolution and what not, right? Well as I said I think in one of the earlier entries before this one, I think that my 2008 would be to overcome my fears of not fulfilling my 2008's resolution, which will be fulfilling my 2007, AND 2006 resolutions! LOL! Kidding. I believe that I have a lot to say when it comes to new year's resolution, but lets just keep it up till here for now and see what comes after this, nah? ;)
So once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 peeps!!! And may God bless us all!!!
PS: YES! Still no sign about stories of my life pertaining LOVE!? Yes, please, IGNORE it.
It is such an amazing feeling to be in a new year, when only just minutes (now already turned hours la kan - LOL!) we were in the year 2007. Rase macam, tah la. Like hard to explain. One minute you're in this year, and the next thing you're already in another year. Macam, magic pun ade, right? Hiks!
But I guess, being in a new year brings many more new adventures, many new exciting moments and fond memories to be stored in the hard drive of one's life, kan? (InsyaAllah... let us pray and mintak dijauhkan from the other way round ya...). And with that, looking back at a wonderful year of 2007 (last year... See!? Like, funny you know the feeling. Just now only I was posting and editing an entry for 2007, tahu tahu sudah... aiyoh. I'm repeating lagi nih, motif?!); anyways, looking back at a wonderful colorful year of 2007, I feel that before I even begin talking about my hopes and dreams for the year 2008, it is best that I do the usual "THANK YOU" note to those people who enhanced the colors of my life in 2007.

DISCLAIMER: This is one of those 'from the bottom of my heart' entry - please SAVE your time and energy from criticizing with unwanted thoughts. Its a personal blog with personal expressions in every posting - so please, do us all a favor and go help yourself with lots of Porns on Xtube or somethin'. Prolly that will cheer you up rather than being grumpy in my blog! LOL! And to those whom I may tend to forget to mention in this "THANK YOU" note, thousands of apologies yer. Forgive me for not only I suffer laryngitis (ape kene mengena penyakit suara kasar nih!? Mati la mak!), but I also suffer from STML (short term memory loss) problem, yang I rase kian hari kian parah gara² infeksi berjangkitan dari Ginger yang MUDA tapi KUAT PELUPA - ops! Die la me later today? Lalalala!
Goodbye 2007 and welcoming the fresh new start of 2008; indeed 2007 has somewhat been sweet and changed my life a lot - 2007 had given me a tremendous joy and experience that will last forever. 2007 had also given me a new insight firstly on how I see myself, subsequently on how I perceive on others.
I have very much to be thankful to those who have contributed towards the wonderful past year, 2007.
Firstly, allow me to thank God for giving me the opportunity to feel what it feels like to be a winner, to lead an almost a successful life (there's room for improvement somewhere somewhat something, yes?), and most of all, I thank God for giving me his blessings and for fulfilling my wishes of obtaining a wonderful year of 2007 - and of course for also allowing me to feel what it feels like living today, January 1st, 2008, Alhamdulillah...
The year 2007 will not be the same without my family of course, who have been supporting me all these while, through ups and downs - although there were occasions where there's that tiny room for generation gaps, but I guess thats normal. Thank you to those who knows who and what I truly am and for keeping that secret safe within the family...
But most of all, the thank you for a wonderful 2007 note would not be complete if I do not include this - to thank all for my friends - to all those wonderful close, best, dear friends of mine. Would I be here today if it weren't for you lots?... Thank you so much for believing in me, for giving me the support, encouragement and most importantly, for seeing me for who and what I truly am. Here I would like to take the opportunity to say the names of those who have made my year 2007, wonderful, and possible: (Names are in no particular order of importance ya/ random order - not from the most important to the least importante ok?)
1. Chefaduka a.k.a. C.A. a.k.a. Leha Tapai Basi: What would a friend do without you? You were and still are the close friend ever here, the only place where Alor is the Star. You've always been there by my side, helped me through numerous tasks and stuffs, stood up high next to me, for me, and most of all, thank you for putting up with all my craps...
2. Ginger a.k.a. Halia Gurun Kering - ops!: Gal, again we've gone through another year as close friends and hopefully for years to come until I die (yer lah, I keep on getting older, whereas you stay at 25 forever, kan? Hehehe...). Although there were those awful times again when we salah faham with each other again but still, 2007 I'd say ada kurang la sikit compared to the year before and before the year before itiew, kan? But whatever it is, I pegang your kata² gal...

3. Volks a.k.a. Volksie: What would I do without you? I've said it like gazillion trillion times but it never seems to be like enough. Personally, you're the one yang been there a lot for me. Emotional support from you, I can never say thank you. Throughout the year 2007, your place was just like my own (mati la 2007 jer ke? LOL!)... Once again, thank you nah...
4. 5thE a.k.a. Fifirinawatisa'diah: Hiks - another good friend who gave me 101% support when it comes to me being in state of pathetic emo. You've comforted me (though through YM or SMS or just phone call) and it always occur to me that your Caller Ringing Tone always helps to cool me down, relaxes me in a way no one would imagine it would be... ;) Thanks gal for the sponsorship of the dress; was honored to be the 1st to have the opportunity to sarungkan dan pelepappp atas badan mek... tq ya!!!
5. kW: We've been friends since 2005, and personally, 2007 was the year I'd say I felt lagi close to you. Remember your A/S visit, the good heart to heart talk. Pakcik, thank you for sharing your stories and mengadu to me. I feel honored to have the opportunity to live 2007 as someone orang dipercayai, orang yang boleh u count on and glad to be a shoulder for you to cry on, well, not that you cried for real or anything la kan. Hiks! And erm, for all that, I owe you a big thank you and a mega huge apology for what happened last night, early 2008. It was a wrong move for me to have said what I said to you in the TB, and for that I request you not to be pissed or anything. I know it was a start of a new year with the wrong move, but don't want to continue taking wrong turns; so with that, please accept my sincere apologies.
6. Eva, Val, Viviana, Babeparis, Izad Fika, Kak Lara, Isis and others: Gals, thank you ALL for your kind support for the whole year of 2007!!! Glad to be still part of the team of friends, and enjoyed every bit of our moments together as friends. Thank you gals!
7. The rest of my other friends, Mamyzackzali, TWRock, TPS Belle, Hooksie, the rest of my TB's friends, Nory, Adam, Kak Rain, Nasik, - and others: Thank you for supporting my 2007 be it in my blog, in the TB, and others - thank you. I couldn't have been doing this entry of goodbye a wonderful 2007 without you guys. And I'm glad to say that we'll go another year (2008) together and plese continue to support me, my blog and my life, by being who and what you guys truly are; friends of mine. Thank you...

Special thanks to that one man who shall remain anonymous but will always have a place in my heart.
Yesterday 2007, today, now, 2008 - its just like another dream that has just came true. Leaving yesterday, arriving today, goodbye 2007, hello 2008. Its a blessing in which I clearly see without a doubt.
2007 enabled me to meet people of 1001 races, personalities, style; I shall never forget all of these, and again, my sincere gratitudes to FATE AND LIFE ITSELF for letting me be part of this joy and celebration to world, and life... and I hope there will be more of these for the year 2008. Although its 2008 now, be rest assured 2007, I shall keep you (the year 2007) with all the fond memories close to my heart.
And as usual, when it comes to a new year, there's always this new year's resolution and what not, right? Well as I said I think in one of the earlier entries before this one, I think that my 2008 would be to overcome my fears of not fulfilling my 2008's resolution, which will be fulfilling my 2007, AND 2006 resolutions! LOL! Kidding. I believe that I have a lot to say when it comes to new year's resolution, but lets just keep it up till here for now and see what comes after this, nah? ;)
So once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 peeps!!! And may God bless us all!!!
PS: YES! Still no sign about stories of my life pertaining LOVE!? Yes, please, IGNORE it.
You'll get over it soon enough - thats what I keep on telling myself, hikhikhik! And now am telling it to you lots; I'm not going to dwell much about it, hiks!Erm, bila dah finished buat entry nih, when I read back kan, dah serupa thanking speech for a wonderful year of 2007 as MW2006 la pulak, kan? LOL! Well, whatever it is, THANK YOU 2007, and WELCOME 2008!!!
tq tq tq very much u ols.I feel so honored.
Wishing u ols a prosperous and fun year ahead. insya ALLAH.