Really guys! I swear to God that I thought today is actually MONDAY! Walhal, yang sebenaunye, udahler masuk TUESDAY, February 26th, 2008!!! Mati2lah Akak yiew ols!!!
Akak betol2 bermati2an tau ingatkan today is actually MONDAY ok; Monday, the day of all days since The Calender was invented; Monday, the beginning of a new week; Monday, can be a dark, dank and dreary day to start the week with; ghupo2nya, Akak terselayasly terlepas 01 day in my life! Free2 buto2 jer, melambung melayang one whole day! Doing what!? TIDO! Ops!
Why Akak nampak cam pretty upset about tertinggal sehari hari Isnin dalam my life iniew? Wanna know why? Ha... sebabnye, for the past few months since mid last year, Akak always tau tried to have early Monday starts; seeing what Monday could do to influence my life; finding out in advance (normally by 00h:00m:01s on the early wee-Monday mornings) what the normal black Monday blues-days have in store for me; double-daring it (Monday itiew lah! Ish!) to show me what it's capable of doing, in ruining my whole week - for many weeks, many Mondays, since mid last year, up till recently (when I became super-dooper busy) I've managed to beat each Mondays, bringing down the the upsets and downs of what every Monday's have got to offer...
But then again... not on Monday, February 26th, 2008! Akak 'melepas', 'terlepas', 'terselayas' - 'TERUGI SATU HARI'!!! Huwarrrghhh! Dalam arti katanya yang lain, Akak biarkan Monday menang tanpa bertanding? And for that, Monday dah bagaikan pepatah witchy witch witch iniew dalam one of Disney's classic 'Princess' movies (specifically, the 1959 production - Sleeping Beauty)...
Well, anyways, Monday apparently did lay-down its best curse, and having said that, was technically just good enough to buatkan Akak tertidurans satu harians suntuk yesterday ok! Mandi ke mana, makan ke mana, apa ke mana; tanpaku sadariew akan siang ke malam kah disebalik curtain orange kiew itiew; tanpa mengetahui tengahari ke petang ka aper kah... Bulan up matahari down ka, or the other way round, tido kui brapa pun Akak tak sedar (but pastinya it was bloody early too - and I thought it was an eary SATURDAY NITE SLEEP! Chit!) Tau tau jer, Akak sedar ala2 near petang (mati la sebenarnye near Maghrib... ish ish ish), and lepas mandi makan bagai semua, sudden thought of doing the usual 'SUNDAY NIGHT' routine; head to the office to check some stuffs, do some things, and above all, get things ready for work and be the 1st in the office to welcome everything and anything that concerns Monday! ALIH2 nya? ADO!?
At around few minutes past midnight (midnight yang sebetulnya midnight dari Monday masuk ke Tuesday, yang kusangkakan Sunday masuk Morning, the usuals...), Akak ade lah chatterinas dengan someone ya through YM...
And so, dengan menyedari hakikat yang Akak dah terselayas teroverlooked Monday yang puaka dengan curse suruh Akak jadi Sleeping Beauty for the whole day, ha, hamek, today, by right, kalau ikutkan keje2 yang patut selesai on Monday, now dah tertonggak ke Tuesday, maka, tertonggaklah plan2 Akak nak update bloggiew pasal BANDUNG! Uwarghhh!!! SADIS lah cam giniew!!!
Maka, dengan iniew, Akak nak tanye, korang2 penah tah terselayas terlepas, terlajak-lepas satu hari in your life tanpa menyedarinya? For Akak, iniew kaliew pertama yer Akak rasa cam, aiyoh! RUGINYA! Mati lah today (TUESDAY - 26 February, 2008 - yang SAH lagi SAHIH) Akak terus jadik double kebusy-an yer sebab nak langsaikan keje MONDAY yang terlepas, campur pulak dengan keje2 yang dah sememangnye diplankan utk dilaksanakan on Tuesday, maka - today, AKAK KEMPOTS!!! Uwarghhh!!!
PS: Akak rase la kan, what contributed to Akak jadi 'Kong' and 'Flat' seharian semalam sampai missed out the whole Monday thingy was because, of, yer lah, selain dari kepenatan bekerja keras, this past few weeks and months, plus with kesihatan dan kegemokkan-kembali yang tak menentu-arah iniew, I think the main factor why all this, sampaikan ke-wujudan entry iniew terjadi, adalah sebab, jet leg phenomenon yang Akak sedang lalui selepas kembalinya Akak dari negara seribu pawang, sejuta jampi - BANDUNG, INDONESIA!!! Mati la time differences pun Bandung is just an hour behind of MYS time; mati la kau LKY, feeling Bandung macam apo, Paris? Hanya gara2 kerana ada tempat malatops bernama PARIS VAN JAVA, kan? Hahahahaha!

Paris Van Java; Bandung - Yer... PARIS lah sangats, kan!? Muahahaha!
Akak betol2 bermati2an tau ingatkan today is actually MONDAY ok; Monday, the day of all days since The Calender was invented; Monday, the beginning of a new week; Monday, can be a dark, dank and dreary day to start the week with; ghupo2nya, Akak terselayasly terlepas 01 day in my life! Free2 buto2 jer, melambung melayang one whole day! Doing what!? TIDO! Ops!
Why Akak nampak cam pretty upset about tertinggal sehari hari Isnin dalam my life iniew? Wanna know why? Ha... sebabnye, for the past few months since mid last year, Akak always tau tried to have early Monday starts; seeing what Monday could do to influence my life; finding out in advance (normally by 00h:00m:01s on the early wee-Monday mornings) what the normal black Monday blues-days have in store for me; double-daring it (Monday itiew lah! Ish!) to show me what it's capable of doing, in ruining my whole week - for many weeks, many Mondays, since mid last year, up till recently (when I became super-dooper busy) I've managed to beat each Mondays, bringing down the the upsets and downs of what every Monday's have got to offer...
But then again... not on Monday, February 26th, 2008! Akak 'melepas', 'terlepas', 'terselayas' - 'TERUGI SATU HARI'!!! Huwarrrghhh! Dalam arti katanya yang lain, Akak biarkan Monday menang tanpa bertanding? And for that, Monday dah bagaikan pepatah witchy witch witch iniew dalam one of Disney's classic 'Princess' movies (specifically, the 1959 production - Sleeping Beauty)...
Forest of torn shall be thy's tomb,TUDIAH! Ko mampu cast a spell kat LKY!? Hiks! Owh by the way, added value info to the above said quote; LKY lah Princess Aurora itiew, dalam kehidupan yang lampau, sebeliums kehidupan yang current iniew... hiks!
Ground from the shattered earth to the heaven's gloom,
Now go with the curse and serve thee well,
Round LKY's bedroom, cast thy spell!!! - Itudiahnye yer, katanya the evil witch fairy "Maleficent" who was responsible for all the misfortunes that befalls upon Stefan's kingdom; and above all, the one and only fairy who bestowed a wickedly awful cursed-gift to Princess Aurora in the 1959 Walt Disney's classic 'Pricess' movie, "Sleeping Beauty...".
Well, anyways, Monday apparently did lay-down its best curse, and having said that, was technically just good enough to buatkan Akak tertidurans satu harians suntuk yesterday ok! Mandi ke mana, makan ke mana, apa ke mana; tanpaku sadariew akan siang ke malam kah disebalik curtain orange kiew itiew; tanpa mengetahui tengahari ke petang ka aper kah... Bulan up matahari down ka, or the other way round, tido kui brapa pun Akak tak sedar (but pastinya it was bloody early too - and I thought it was an eary SATURDAY NITE SLEEP! Chit!) Tau tau jer, Akak sedar ala2 near petang (mati la sebenarnye near Maghrib... ish ish ish), and lepas mandi makan bagai semua, sudden thought of doing the usual 'SUNDAY NIGHT' routine; head to the office to check some stuffs, do some things, and above all, get things ready for work and be the 1st in the office to welcome everything and anything that concerns Monday! ALIH2 nya? ADO!?
At around few minutes past midnight (midnight yang sebetulnya midnight dari Monday masuk ke Tuesday, yang kusangkakan Sunday masuk Morning, the usuals...), Akak ade lah chatterinas dengan someone ya through YM...
N u r l e a ®: So sudah bersadiakah ander untuk menempuh hari Isnin yang kuramalkan bagai mendung, gelap dan gulita esok? Mati la "Monday - Kau lah kekasih gelapkiew..." Harkharkhark!!Siaulst tak? Aiyoh! Akak langsung tak kesedarans hari Isnin sudah pun berlaliew pergi. Huwargh!!! Akak kehilangan satu hari yang penuh dengan keje2 yang belom keselesaian! Mati la tertonggak tonggeng eh?
I'm Your Worst Nightmare: Motif!?
N u r l e a ®: Yer lah, mek tanyo, ready for Monday tomorrow, I mean, later siang siang today (since dosi passed midnight dos; so mrasalah la dosi Monday, kan? Hiks!) I ols dosi ready; come on Monday, gimme your best shot! JENG JE JENG!!!
I'm Your Worst Nightmare: Errrrrr I tink Monday already done its best lar uols!
N u r l e a ®: Hurmmm... motiewf??? That bad arh? Wanna tell me what's bugging yiew?
I'm Your Worst Nightmare: NO! I meant Monday dah obviously done its best kat u ols ler!!!
N u r l e a ®: E eh? Motif? Akak baru jer semangat kental jitu gigiewh datang ke pejabs memalam Sunday buto, demi menempiewh Monday yang bakal mendatang. Apa pulak dah yang Monday dah buat kat i ols? By talking to u? OPS!
I'm Your Worst Nightmare: HAIYOH! Bila last tgk calender?
N u r l e a ®: Awat?
I'm Your Worst Nightmare: TGK AGAIN!
N u r l e a ®: Haiyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrkk!!! Motiewfffnya calender di dalam handphone2 i ols, PC, laptop i ols, semuanya SILAP!? Semuanya menunjukkan its Tuesday, 26 February, 2008???
I'm Your Worst Nightmare: LOL!!! SEBAB IT IS TUESDAY! Ko kenapalah sunds? Nyanyiok kah?
And so, dengan menyedari hakikat yang Akak dah terselayas teroverlooked Monday yang puaka dengan curse suruh Akak jadi Sleeping Beauty for the whole day, ha, hamek, today, by right, kalau ikutkan keje2 yang patut selesai on Monday, now dah tertonggak ke Tuesday, maka, tertonggaklah plan2 Akak nak update bloggiew pasal BANDUNG! Uwarghhh!!! SADIS lah cam giniew!!!
Maka, dengan iniew, Akak nak tanye, korang2 penah tah terselayas terlepas, terlajak-lepas satu hari in your life tanpa menyedarinya? For Akak, iniew kaliew pertama yer Akak rasa cam, aiyoh! RUGINYA! Mati lah today (TUESDAY - 26 February, 2008 - yang SAH lagi SAHIH) Akak terus jadik double kebusy-an yer sebab nak langsaikan keje MONDAY yang terlepas, campur pulak dengan keje2 yang dah sememangnye diplankan utk dilaksanakan on Tuesday, maka - today, AKAK KEMPOTS!!! Uwarghhh!!!
PS: Akak rase la kan, what contributed to Akak jadi 'Kong' and 'Flat' seharian semalam sampai missed out the whole Monday thingy was because, of, yer lah, selain dari kepenatan bekerja keras, this past few weeks and months, plus with kesihatan dan kegemokkan-kembali yang tak menentu-arah iniew, I think the main factor why all this, sampaikan ke-wujudan entry iniew terjadi, adalah sebab, jet leg phenomenon yang Akak sedang lalui selepas kembalinya Akak dari negara seribu pawang, sejuta jampi - BANDUNG, INDONESIA!!! Mati la time differences pun Bandung is just an hour behind of MYS time; mati la kau LKY, feeling Bandung macam apo, Paris? Hanya gara2 kerana ada tempat malatops bernama PARIS VAN JAVA, kan? Hahahahaha!

terselayas.. it happens... :(