Ley... Pua... So... Ley pua so... how I love ley pua so - cuts 'em off, chop chop chop!!! Mati la akak tetiber kemaruk 3.30am nak buat entry pasal FOOD! Hahaha! Mampos! Dah tak leh tidoq, feeling² nak makan. Tapi macam nan ado yang menariques in za kitchen; maka, entry pasal makan dan photos about food food food pun, jadiew ler yer? Muahahaha!
Kaedahnye, haven't you heard? Haiyoh! Now, let me tell you. Noticed how 'Nurlea' tidak moncol with new sets of photos for New Year 2008, plus dah masuk 2 bulan dah nih, dah nak masuk March soon, still, Nurlea is nowhere to be seen sama-ada online dalam rupa bentuk gambar (except for the kemunculan busuk as gambar hiasan tu ler yerk!), mahupun live kat mana² scenes, kan? Ha - ini la, akak nak citer ghoyakkan kat koma semuer... (is it ghoyak or ghoyat eh? Mati la salah penggunaan bahasa, kan? LOL!)
2008; Nurlea bakal gedebabs kembaliew. Dah malas nak berpill pill bagai, berdiet itiew ini and all. 2008 prolly marks the year where Nurlea will turn herself into one of those useless, fat, spoiled domestic furry and hyper-sensitive cats! LOL! Minus the 'furry fur fur' of course - hey! I'm natually 'smooth' yer - dinch berbirray or a-BUBU! OPS!
Why is this so? Well - I believe these pictures will let you lots know of the answer la kan... ;)

Sheraton Langkawi Resort's Baked Cheesecake

Fruits, at KLIA's Golden Lounge

Pulut Dakap at Wan Thai Restaurant, Langkawi

Sushi King
Yes u ols! Aside from my new passion for taking photos of foods and all (new kah? OPS!), I ols also have discovered something new for 2008. Flashy, and all fatty bum bum is an 'IN' thing these days, kan? So mrasalah - snappy², and terus, eaty² - clust kan concept kecik² takmoh membesaq, bila dah gagah besaq jugak, dah serupa gajah tokmia! HOW!? Lalalala!
Anyways, entry iniew also dijanakan (janakan? bukan dipenakan ke??? Hurmmm!) bagi tujuan meng-letting u ols know that I might just close down my Fotopages or prolly just let it be there; as mek now fascinated and tgh busy adding photos and get myself used to Flickr. It's the next best thing, don't you think? Jadi akak pon meng-ado-kan my very own Flickr account (which I think by now ramai dosi tahu about it la kan since I was babbling about it in my previous entry, kan? Hiks!) So, mrasalah giat-mara-cerdaskan diriew melawati Flickr akak itiew, ye? ;) Dan dah alang² melawat, comment² la pics² mano yang u ols rasa nak mengomen, nah? ;)

Dessert at The Feast, Sheraton Langkawi Beach Resort

Open Salmon sandwich at KLIA's Golden Lounge
Visit more of my photos at my Flickr:
Kaedahnye, haven't you heard? Haiyoh! Now, let me tell you. Noticed how 'Nurlea' tidak moncol with new sets of photos for New Year 2008, plus dah masuk 2 bulan dah nih, dah nak masuk March soon, still, Nurlea is nowhere to be seen sama-ada online dalam rupa bentuk gambar (except for the kemunculan busuk as gambar hiasan tu ler yerk!), mahupun live kat mana² scenes, kan? Ha - ini la, akak nak citer ghoyakkan kat koma semuer... (is it ghoyak or ghoyat eh? Mati la salah penggunaan bahasa, kan? LOL!)
2008; Nurlea bakal gedebabs kembaliew. Dah malas nak berpill pill bagai, berdiet itiew ini and all. 2008 prolly marks the year where Nurlea will turn herself into one of those useless, fat, spoiled domestic furry and hyper-sensitive cats! LOL! Minus the 'furry fur fur' of course - hey! I'm natually 'smooth' yer - dinch berbirray or a-BUBU! OPS!
Why is this so? Well - I believe these pictures will let you lots know of the answer la kan... ;)
Yes u ols! Aside from my new passion for taking photos of foods and all (new kah? OPS!), I ols also have discovered something new for 2008. Flashy, and all fatty bum bum is an 'IN' thing these days, kan? So mrasalah - snappy², and terus, eaty² - clust kan concept kecik² takmoh membesaq, bila dah gagah besaq jugak, dah serupa gajah tokmia! HOW!? Lalalala!
Anyways, entry iniew also dijanakan (janakan? bukan dipenakan ke??? Hurmmm!) bagi tujuan meng-letting u ols know that I might just close down my Fotopages or prolly just let it be there; as mek now fascinated and tgh busy adding photos and get myself used to Flickr. It's the next best thing, don't you think? Jadi akak pon meng-ado-kan my very own Flickr account (which I think by now ramai dosi tahu about it la kan since I was babbling about it in my previous entry, kan? Hiks!) So, mrasalah giat-mara-cerdaskan diriew melawati Flickr akak itiew, ye? ;) Dan dah alang² melawat, comment² la pics² mano yang u ols rasa nak mengomen, nah? ;)
Visit more of my photos at my Flickr:
- My Flickr Account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lealaurielle/
- My Flickr's Collections: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lealaurielle/collections/
- My Flickr's Sets: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lealaurielle/sets/
- My Flickr's Tags: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lealaurielle/tags/
- My Flickr's Archives: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lealaurielle/archives/
dan adekah comment ini mengingatkan hang kpd sesuatu? =P