Eversince I moved from my previous blog which has been turned into an archive blog to this new blog here at Blogger/ Blogspot, I've been getting quite number of remarks/ notes saying that I've lost 'the touch'; it seems that this new blog is no longer 'coming from my heart'; the new blog doesn't have my readers 'connect' to it. Well, lets be all out and honest here; I myself have been feeling the same I guess. This issue about my latest writing style here in my own blog, in my own new blog - tunggu time jer nak dibawa ke muka pengadilan whereby my readers ler yang akan mengadilinye I suppose. The truth is, even if my readers haven't brought up this issue pun, memang akak dah terasa perbezaannye dah pun. I am more careful with the choice of words I use, unlike previously, akak main hentammm jer cakap, kan? Unlike before, I was more 'connected' to my readers dari apa yang akak tulis...
Question yang probably ramai akan tanya would be, why the change of blog, from Blogdrive to Blogspot1. And second of all, yang lebih, how should I say, lebih bersangkut paut, a question yang more relating to this rather important matter would be, why the change of writing style and approaching my readers from a different angle, kan?2 Hurm... and I suppose, thirdly, would of course be the question of, why should I even care about all these, about what people have got to say about my new blog sedangkan it is after all, my blog, I write, you read, kan?3 Hurmmm...
Well, semuanya, all three questions will be answered dalam this entry, right after you click "... Read more on this entry!"

From Blogdrive to Blogger - hurm... don't you ever wonder why? *pose pose garu² dagu... hurmmm...
Honestly la kan, actually akak memang dah nak buat entry WHY THE MOVE from Blogdrive to Blogger nih since day 1, tapi dengan day 1 nye pun tak pasti bila (of course officially it was on January 1st, 2008 - pun akak tak buat official juger, kan? Ops!), and also dengan kelam kabutnya akak dengan my life itself, maka, terbantut la harapan akak nak mengexplainkan why the sudden move from Blogdrive to Blogspot - sekaligus bila dah jadi lagu nih, ha, nah! HAMEK! Nak tak nak, kena la buat juger, kan? Hiks!
Why the change of blog, from Blogdrive to Blogspot1 - Al kesah kaedahnye lagu nih citernye... At one point lepas raya last year, when I was still dok dalam mood MALAS kat Blogdrive akak tu, kan... I was, on one day, sebok dok blog hopping; and the more blogs akan hopping, akak perasan, most of them kat Bloggers, instead of Blogdrive.
And from there akak sebok lah finding out more about Blogspot, dan comparekan dengan Blogdrive. With Blogspot, things are made up easier for the user, the bloggers I mean. Macam, banyaknye widgets and stuffs, and furthermore, with the new version of Blogger Beta, haiyoh deknons, you can not imagine betapa senangnye hidup nak memblogging (tu pun masih dok malas, ops!). Anyways, with the new Blogger Beta, akak noticed not just about layouts, widgets and stuffs - but, the simplicity all the features utk bloggers memblogging, membuatkan akak sangatlah tertarik yer; yerrr lah, if nak compared to Blogdrive itiew, itu susah ini susah, nak taruh gegambars from Flickr and Youtube pung MasyaAllah punye lah susah (maybe akak yang dinch hui the codes and what not - but still, susah lah! Ops!) - and plus, banyak bende in Bloggers yang bloggers can use up for free occay, as compared to Blogdrive, nak kena hapdet hapgrade bagai, mampos, duit lagi! Dah la sememangnye tgh sengkek, kan? Muahahah! And besides, I was like thinking mingking la kan, since 'new year' dah dekat, ala ala like, why not, a new blog, kan? :)
And selama sebulan dua juger la akak penat dok bersengkang mate buat codings itiew ini bagai, after one widgets to another, finally, I got the ball rolling kat Blogger dan finally turned my Blogdrive into an archive blog. Yer lah, Blogdrive akak la tempat dimana akak habiskan masa waktu and what not berblogging tak serik²; orang kalau blogging sehari 1 posting, so 1 year should be 365 postings la kan? Ini, akak, yang ado kat Blogdrive from April 1st 2005, sampai erm... sampai... sampai bila tatau? Mati la tua dan pelupa! Ops! Anyways, the point was that akak punye postings dah terlalu banyak (kereknye soundednye, yer? LOL!) so mrasalah akak jadikkan blog-arkib sajork, kan? Orang lain gigih nak ado 365 posting a year, akak sebok jer darab dua dan walla - total postings for one year juger, tak ke namanye Blogger Tak Serik²!? LOL!
So there you have it - WHY akak pindah from Blogdrive to Blogspot. Banyak features Blogspot/ Blogger yang Blogdrive tak leh nak compete with, percaya lah. Akak siap buat kajian terpeinchi ok (nampak sangat tak propah? LOL!). Jadi maka dengan itiew, it is (or should I say, WAS? Hurmmm) official that http://lea-laurielle.blogspot.com telah dengan rasminya (aiyoh! It is OFFICIAL dah, pastu DENGAN RASMINYA pulak - haiyoh! Tingtong tau akak cam nih!) dijadikan the current blog utk akak on January 1st, 2008 - mati la 16 hari delayed announcement yer? LOL! Owh and speaking of which, one might question - why lea-laurielle.blogspot and not lealaurielle.blogspot just like lealaurielle.blogdrive itiew, kan? Well; have you checked apo ado kat http://lealaurielle.blogspot.com??? Tarak ingatkah, before Blogdrive, di mana kah akak? Hiks! Bingo! Itu blog also dosi jadi Archive-Blog juger yer, just like Blogdrive akak. Of course, I could start blogging sane balik, tapi, busuk ah! Ops!
Now, moving on - AIYOH! Panjang la pulak yer entry nih. Baru jer feeling² nak buat pendek² - alih², ado? LOL! Anyways, we move on to the next question;
Why the change of writing style and approaching my readers from a different angle, kan?2 - Actually, akak pun tak pasti why the sudden change of writing style; maybe sebab akak was getting 'international' kots? Yer lah, dulu, akak jarang dapat visitors from over the seas ok. Lately semenjak dua menjak joined international profile personal sites nih, hehehehe makin menjadi² pulak la I suppose. And sampai lah akak di beri komen sebeginiew ruper, then only akak decided on something; on what eh? Tak per - bace komen² nih duliew... ;)
Anyways, tahniah yer dik non. You ols telah berjaya menampar nyedarkan mek agar tidak mengsia²kan apa yang dah ado, dalam mengejar sesuatuh yang baru. Thanks u ols. Ha, nih, akak dah 'kembali' dah kan? Suker? Suker tak? Hiks! (PS: Tapi kata² "Jgn sia²kan apa yang dah ado demi mengejar bende baru" tu - tak boleh dipraktikkan dalam semua hal yer, sekian! OPS!)
Tapi kau jgn feeling² pulak kerana kau akak kembali jadi lagunih, nah? Jgn pikir kata² penampar miew itiew telah mengsial-kembalikan wanita ini yer. Addinch you ols. Kata² u ols tu ala ala 5% jer. Selebihnye, akak percaya, that, erm, I ols lebih comfortable dalam gaya penulisan gini, which is more important la kan. I mean, whats the point akak penat pikir cemana nak tulis cara 'safe' walhal sebenarnye, akak like, couldn't give a sh*t kalau tulis tak safe pun, kan? So apa lah sangat nak bercoverinas and be someone somebody I am not, kan? Mrasa lah - so, erm, which brings me to the final q...
Why should I even care about all these, about what people have got to say about my new blog sedangkan it is after all, my blog, I write, you read, kan?3 - Kaedahnye, I should care lah if I want people to still enjoy what I write, kan? Remember, ... "In order for me to let people enjoy reading what I write, I must write from the heart..." kan Cik Senah? Maka, NORKIAH lah kite yer semua dengan my blog? Why NORKIAH? Ler, kan ke NOKIA - CONNECTING PEOPLE; maka NORKIAH = Nurlea's Blog - Connecting people, worldwide, tak gittu? ;)
Now skarangs akak nak kena lah pikir puler - cemana nak menten those international readers? Perlu ke setiap apa yang akan tulis sampai 3000 patah perkataan ditranslatekan ke Bahasa Ingglish Languaje? Mati la kompiter akak berasap pikirkan cemana nak puaskan hati semua; tak per tak per, I'll think of something... I always do... VOLKS! 5thE! I need helpo here!!! Hiks!
Question yang probably ramai akan tanya would be, why the change of blog, from Blogdrive to Blogspot1. And second of all, yang lebih, how should I say, lebih bersangkut paut, a question yang more relating to this rather important matter would be, why the change of writing style and approaching my readers from a different angle, kan?2 Hurm... and I suppose, thirdly, would of course be the question of, why should I even care about all these, about what people have got to say about my new blog sedangkan it is after all, my blog, I write, you read, kan?3 Hurmmm...
Well, semuanya, all three questions will be answered dalam this entry, right after you click "... Read more on this entry!"

Honestly la kan, actually akak memang dah nak buat entry WHY THE MOVE from Blogdrive to Blogger nih since day 1, tapi dengan day 1 nye pun tak pasti bila (of course officially it was on January 1st, 2008 - pun akak tak buat official juger, kan? Ops!), and also dengan kelam kabutnya akak dengan my life itself, maka, terbantut la harapan akak nak mengexplainkan why the sudden move from Blogdrive to Blogspot - sekaligus bila dah jadi lagu nih, ha, nah! HAMEK! Nak tak nak, kena la buat juger, kan? Hiks!
Why the change of blog, from Blogdrive to Blogspot1 - Al kesah kaedahnye lagu nih citernye... At one point lepas raya last year, when I was still dok dalam mood MALAS kat Blogdrive akak tu, kan... I was, on one day, sebok dok blog hopping; and the more blogs akan hopping, akak perasan, most of them kat Bloggers, instead of Blogdrive.
And from there akak sebok lah finding out more about Blogspot, dan comparekan dengan Blogdrive. With Blogspot, things are made up easier for the user, the bloggers I mean. Macam, banyaknye widgets and stuffs, and furthermore, with the new version of Blogger Beta, haiyoh deknons, you can not imagine betapa senangnye hidup nak memblogging (tu pun masih dok malas, ops!). Anyways, with the new Blogger Beta, akak noticed not just about layouts, widgets and stuffs - but, the simplicity all the features utk bloggers memblogging, membuatkan akak sangatlah tertarik yer; yerrr lah, if nak compared to Blogdrive itiew, itu susah ini susah, nak taruh gegambars from Flickr and Youtube pung MasyaAllah punye lah susah (maybe akak yang dinch hui the codes and what not - but still, susah lah! Ops!) - and plus, banyak bende in Bloggers yang bloggers can use up for free occay, as compared to Blogdrive, nak kena hapdet hapgrade bagai, mampos, duit lagi! Dah la sememangnye tgh sengkek, kan? Muahahah! And besides, I was like thinking mingking la kan, since 'new year' dah dekat, ala ala like, why not, a new blog, kan? :)
And selama sebulan dua juger la akak penat dok bersengkang mate buat codings itiew ini bagai, after one widgets to another, finally, I got the ball rolling kat Blogger dan finally turned my Blogdrive into an archive blog. Yer lah, Blogdrive akak la tempat dimana akak habiskan masa waktu and what not berblogging tak serik²; orang kalau blogging sehari 1 posting, so 1 year should be 365 postings la kan? Ini, akak, yang ado kat Blogdrive from April 1st 2005, sampai erm... sampai... sampai bila tatau? Mati la tua dan pelupa! Ops! Anyways, the point was that akak punye postings dah terlalu banyak (kereknye soundednye, yer? LOL!) so mrasalah akak jadikkan blog-arkib sajork, kan? Orang lain gigih nak ado 365 posting a year, akak sebok jer darab dua dan walla - total postings for one year juger, tak ke namanye Blogger Tak Serik²!? LOL!
So there you have it - WHY akak pindah from Blogdrive to Blogspot. Banyak features Blogspot/ Blogger yang Blogdrive tak leh nak compete with, percaya lah. Akak siap buat kajian terpeinchi ok (nampak sangat tak propah? LOL!). Jadi maka dengan itiew, it is (or should I say, WAS? Hurmmm) official that http://lea-laurielle.blogspot.com telah dengan rasminya (aiyoh! It is OFFICIAL dah, pastu DENGAN RASMINYA pulak - haiyoh! Tingtong tau akak cam nih!) dijadikan the current blog utk akak on January 1st, 2008 - mati la 16 hari delayed announcement yer? LOL! Owh and speaking of which, one might question - why lea-laurielle.blogspot and not lealaurielle.blogspot just like lealaurielle.blogdrive itiew, kan? Well; have you checked apo ado kat http://lealaurielle.blogspot.com??? Tarak ingatkah, before Blogdrive, di mana kah akak? Hiks! Bingo! Itu blog also dosi jadi Archive-Blog juger yer, just like Blogdrive akak. Of course, I could start blogging sane balik, tapi, busuk ah! Ops!
Now, moving on - AIYOH! Panjang la pulak yer entry nih. Baru jer feeling² nak buat pendek² - alih², ado? LOL! Anyways, we move on to the next question;
Why the change of writing style and approaching my readers from a different angle, kan?2 - Actually, akak pun tak pasti why the sudden change of writing style; maybe sebab akak was getting 'international' kots? Yer lah, dulu, akak jarang dapat visitors from over the seas ok. Lately semenjak dua menjak joined international profile personal sites nih, hehehehe makin menjadi² pulak la I suppose. And sampai lah akak di beri komen sebeginiew ruper, then only akak decided on something; on what eh? Tak per - bace komen² nih duliew... ;)
Dan another one...
Kannn tudiah! Budak Syed Omaq nih dah dok dekat² umah akak ley? Entah² kenal tak? Hurmmm...
BudakSyedOmaq said...
Akak, pepatah Melayu ada menyebut janganlah yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran.
Walaupun usaha akak membawa blog akak ke peringkat antarabangsa merupakan usaha murni yang wajar disokong oleh semua pihak, namun blog sebelum ini memaparkan kisah suka duka akak yang lebih 'real' di mata masyarakat. Ala-ala closer to the heart gitu.
Kira pembaca dapat connect lah.
Akak, tolonglah pertimbangkan rayuan saya. Saya yakin ramai lagi silent readers yang menyokong pandangan saya.
Anyways, tahniah yer dik non. You ols telah berjaya menampar nyedarkan mek agar tidak mengsia²kan apa yang dah ado, dalam mengejar sesuatuh yang baru. Thanks u ols. Ha, nih, akak dah 'kembali' dah kan? Suker? Suker tak? Hiks! (PS: Tapi kata² "Jgn sia²kan apa yang dah ado demi mengejar bende baru" tu - tak boleh dipraktikkan dalam semua hal yer, sekian! OPS!)
Tapi kau jgn feeling² pulak kerana kau akak kembali jadi lagunih, nah? Jgn pikir kata² penampar miew itiew telah mengsial-kembalikan wanita ini yer. Addinch you ols. Kata² u ols tu ala ala 5% jer. Selebihnye, akak percaya, that, erm, I ols lebih comfortable dalam gaya penulisan gini, which is more important la kan. I mean, whats the point akak penat pikir cemana nak tulis cara 'safe' walhal sebenarnye, akak like, couldn't give a sh*t kalau tulis tak safe pun, kan? So apa lah sangat nak bercoverinas and be someone somebody I am not, kan? Mrasa lah - so, erm, which brings me to the final q...
Why should I even care about all these, about what people have got to say about my new blog sedangkan it is after all, my blog, I write, you read, kan?3 - Kaedahnye, I should care lah if I want people to still enjoy what I write, kan? Remember, ... "In order for me to let people enjoy reading what I write, I must write from the heart..." kan Cik Senah? Maka, NORKIAH lah kite yer semua dengan my blog? Why NORKIAH? Ler, kan ke NOKIA - CONNECTING PEOPLE; maka NORKIAH = Nurlea's Blog - Connecting people, worldwide, tak gittu? ;)
Now skarangs akak nak kena lah pikir puler - cemana nak menten those international readers? Perlu ke setiap apa yang akan tulis sampai 3000 patah perkataan ditranslatekan ke Bahasa Ingglish Languaje? Mati la kompiter akak berasap pikirkan cemana nak puaskan hati semua; tak per tak per, I'll think of something... I always do... VOLKS! 5thE! I need helpo here!!! Hiks!
Kak Lea, saya ni pembaca setia blog akak sejak zaman blogdrive lagi. Apa yang saya tengok sejak tukaq pindah mai blogspot nie, blog akak kurang menyengat tak macam blog dulu lagi.
Akak, tolonglah kembali kepada stail mcm blog lama. Saya benar-benar rindukan cara penulisan dulu. Tolonglah saya. Apa perlu saya buat?
Jalan Sultanah, Loque Staque
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 8:02:00 PM MYT